The next round of the Undiecar Championship is on this Tuesday at 19:30 GMT at Summit Point in the Radical SR8 V8.

Event notice:

Joining races
You will see the race listed in the iRacing league sessions page.

If you don’t see it there, please hop on Discord to ask for assistance in our main chat area. Admins are extremely unlikely to have time to assist via private message before the race. We also use Discord voice chat during the race, so feel free to join us in there if you like to jibber jabber all race long 🙂

If you would like to help out with the league, please visit our donations page 🙂

Live streaming
The following are helpful folk who often stream our races. If you know of anyone else streaming the events, please let us know 🙂

1. Asphalt Schneider:
2. Gennadii Stepanov: