Wolfram Fiedler
Expat German living in the USA since 1995. Happily married, three kids from ranging from late 20's to 14. Like to build things (with software professionally, with wood, bricks and metal at home) and must have a thing for all things moving - cars, motorbikes, planes (and, since I bought ETS2, trucks of all things...). Follow F1, was at Canadian Grand Prix a few times. Not particular fanatical about one team or driver - I have my preferences but have something positive to say about most. Love to race for the fun of it - getting the line right, balancing the car, fair but spirited battles more than winning at all costs.
Car number: 74
Location: East Windsor, NJ
Country: US
Racing experience: Sim only. Ruf C-Spec, Skippy, Star Mazda, Radical, Lotus 79.
First racing games: Grand Prix Legends
iRacing account: Wolfram Fiedler on iRacing
Social network: Facebook